Thursday, March 12, 2015

Declan at 4 Months

Declan: Four Months

  • You weigh 13 lbs
  • You are 24 inches long
  • You are now taking 4-6 (mostly 6 ounces every 4-5 hours)
  • You have a pretty set bedtime (7:00) unless we are out somewhere. You usually only wake up once during the night to eat, but that varies (anytime between 11:30pm-1:30am). You usually wake up earlier during the week than the weekend just because we are getting around to go to work and making noise. 
  • You poop about once or twice a day. And they are always nasty smelling.
  • You still are wearing a size 1 diaper, but will probably move out of them soon and we found size 2 over night diapers that you now sleep in.
  • Your hair has started to really come in! Right now its really light brown/blonde.
  • Your eyes are still a pretty dark blue. You have really long eyelashes.
  • You love to kick the toys hanging from your carseat handle.
  • You love to "talk"
  • You had you 100 day birthday on Feb 20. 
  • You still spit up some not nothing like it, or we are getting better at not moving you around a lot.
  • You rolled from you tummy to your back while at Nanny B's last week and did it all weekend long!
  • You sleep in a sleep sack (with your arms free because you like them above your head) at night time and once you are wrapped up and I put your paci in and you fall asleep within minutes. 
  • You are such a good baby and so sweet!
  • You are almost too long for your 3 month clothes so you are wearing a lot of  3-6 month clothes, although they are too long on you. 
  • We've started to play peekaboo, and you love it! Your smile is amazing when you see us!
  • You like the TV, I put my hand in the way of the tv and your eyes and you move side to side and up and down to see it. It's pretty funny! 


{best smile ever}

{nap time}

{hanging with mommy}

{pooping, maybe}

{love your face}


{100 days old}

{bear suit - it was so cold outside}

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.
