Sunday, April 12, 2015

Declan at 5 Months

Declan: Five Months

  • You have started eating cereal at brunch and then food at night, along with six 6ounce bottles. You still spit up and there are days where its a lot and there are days where there is just a little. 
  • You go to sleep around 7pm and sleep through until 6:30 when we wake you during the week and weekends is about 7am.
  • You go to sleep with your paci and most of the time you don't wake up if/when it comes out.
  • You wear size 2 diapers
  • You weigh 14 lbs
  • Your hair is coming in! Right now it looks really light brown/blonde. 
  • Your favorite toy right now is anything you can put in your mouth. Including your hands, fingers, toes, toys, books, paci. 
  • You love when your daddy and I make funny sounds.
  • You take naps some days for a 5 mins up to 2 hours and some days not at all.
  • You are sleeping in your crib at night and in a sleep sack.
  • You really like being on your tummy now that you can roll over to your back! I can prop you up on your arms and you will stay there for 10 mins at a time before you want to roll over and hang out on your back. 
  • You love people watching. Once you see your dad you have to follow him where ever he goes. 
  • You are still wearing some 3 month clothes but more 3-6 month clothes, although they are too long on you.
  • You have started squealing and then give a big smile afterwards. It's amazing and will do anything to make you do it over and over!!
  • You have started eating baby food since last month. We have recorded every food you try for the first time.
  • You shivered when you had peas, zucchini, and yellow squash.
  • You love sweet potatoes, avocados, bananas, and pears.
  • You are starting to sit up, more like lean over, almost without help!

Declan,  you are so sweet and I can already tell that you are going to be a kind hearted boy. Your nanny was taking pictures of you and T one day and she was crying and you just looked at her like you wanted to help her, then you looked at the camera and if you could talk you would say, 'Is she okay? Why is she crying?' I love you more than words can describe Declan. I love seeing you grow and learn and watching your daddy with you, melts my heart.


{spending the day at mana and papaw}

{your smile...... its amazing}

{swing set from mimi and poppi}

{eating your toes}

{1st st. patricks day - 3/17/15}

{march madness}

{1st time to see the easter bunny} 

{easter week at the nanny's}

{good friday - 4/3/15}

Happy 5 Month Birthday Baby Boy!

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.


Declan's Nursery

From before we were even pregnant we knew we wanted to do Charlie Brown/Snoopy baby room if we had a boy. In fact I wanted a boy so we could do this theme. I had no clue what we would have done if we would have had a girl!

J's grandmother is so very talented, she can do anything you ask for to do! So she did almost all of this bedding and a painting that hangs over his crib. We found tons of ideas on Pinterest (how did we ever live without this website?)

One thing J and I wanted for Declan was to have tons of books. We have had so fun buying books for the past 5 years that we have a nice large collection of books.  Any time we find a good sale we buy them up! J reads to Declan every night while he's getting his bottle.

J's Grandmother painted that, by hand.

J's grandmother made both pillows, the curtains, and the table skirt.

Everyone that came to the hospital or to our house to see baby Declan got to sign the mat and our first picture of as a family of 3.

Declan Snoopy picture, order on Etsy(

Found this idea on Pinterest. Its old Peanut comic books that we won on Ebay, most in perfect condition. Put them in a picture frame with some different color construction paper and you have colorful wall!  The picture under the TV is a painting done by one of my best friend girlfriend. Thank you B & J.

I work for a company that if you have a baby they send you a sliver spoon with the baby's name on it!!

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.
