Friday, May 15, 2015

Declan at 6 Months

Declan: Six Months

  • You wear 3-6 month clothes
  • You still weigh 14 pounds.
  • You are wearing size 2 diapers
  • You love sweet potatoes and avocados and all fruit! 
  • You just started eating a lot more this week, like you hit 6 months and now want 6 oz of food!
  • You go to bed around 6:30/7:00 and wake up around 530/630; on the weekends I can give you a bottle and you'll go back to sleep in the swing until 8-9.
  • When you get tired you start rubbing your eyes. It's so sweet. 
  • You usually go right to sleep in your crib once you're down.
  • You still chew on anything and everything you can find.
  • You like sitting up but you're not a huge fan of sitting in your bumbo. 
  • You are getting closer to sitting up by yourself.... Hopefully next month you'll be there.
  • You sleep in the crib at night and you move all around it.
  • Your hair is still light brown.
  • You have figured out how to blow bubbles/make raspberries. It's the cutest thing ever.
  • Everyone that meets you says you're the prettiest baby. I have to agree with them, you are the cutest baby ever!
  • Depending on if you wake up on your own or if I have to wake you up depends if you're happy or not =)  If you wake up you are usually very smily but if I wake you up, you are grumpy, like me!
  • You love playing with people's faces, pulling hair, necklaces, glasses. 
  • Your favorite activity is the exersaucer. You can be in it for 30 mins and not even notice. It's the best thing ever to keep you entertained!
  • You started this new thing when you're eating and its so stinking cute! You open your mouth stick out your tongue and then smile waiting to get your food. 
  • This week you have started getting on all fours and you rock back and forth, it's like you want to start crawling, you're just unsure of yourself.
  • You were baptized on Mothers Day. My first Mothers day will always hold a special place in my heart.

States visited as of May 2015:

I can not believe it has been six months since you came into this world. It's been a crazy busy six months but I wouldn't change it for the world!! I really don't know what we ever did without you. You keep us on our toes and we love you so much Declan. I love seeing you learn new things every day and I swear you know you are cute and that you have everyone wrapped around your finger.

{family Photo and 6 month photos}

{photo's by Jen L Davis}

{weekend trip to dallas - yearly trip}

{first time to silver dollar city}

{showing off our new shirt from aunt j}

{stopped to see our favorite aunt and some cousins}

{i graduated from the u of a}

{baptism day/mothers day}

God Bless you Declan 

Happy 6 Month Birthday Baby Boy!

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.
