- You weigh 25.3 pounds
- You are wearing 9-12 month pants and some 18 and 24 month jeans (only for the length though, they are adjustable waist and are as tight as we can get them) 18 month shirts, size 4 diapers size 5 over night diapers and and size 6 shoes.
- Your favorite foods are: Banana, blue berries, apples, grapes, oranges, Chickfila chicken, ketchup, bread, Fettuccine Alfredo, yo baby yogurt, gold fish, Veggie straws, Cheerios, french fries, crackers, cookies, pizza, breakfast bars (you call them cookies) and anything that's on our plates.
- You sleep from 7:00-7:30pm-6:30am during the week and a nap from 12-2 sometimes until 2:30; on the weekends we keep you up until 8 and you usually wake up right at 12 hours but will just play in your bed and let us sleep in for a little bit longer.
- More words this month!! You starting putting 2 words together just a few days after your birthday. Bye-bye daddy when you would only saying bye-bye. You basically say everything we say but not as understandable. Its cute! You can now say love you, even though it comes out as lovs you
- You have been in time out a lot this past month. Like every other day. It drives me nuts when you don't listen and I know you know what I'm telling you to do. It also drives me nuts when try and hit me or swat your hand at me. You know better and you will sit in time out for doing that.
- Thanksgiving was this past month and you didn't want anything to do with the family so you sat in the living room playing on someones phone! Again you sat in time out for a little bit that day because you had a bad attitude!
- We took you to SDC and you were so so GOOD!!!! We were so proud of you, we saw Santa and you liked him! We saw Christmas Carol and you watched it all and never took your eyes off the actors. We stayed the night in a hotel and you slept in a crib in the bathroom. I know it sounds strange but it works out as your bedroom!
- Daddy and I got to finish our vacation that was cut short back in October because of the hurricane. You stayed with Gigi and Pepaw. You got to sleep on an air mattress and did great! You went to Chucky Cheese for the first time and loved it! Gigi said you loved playing and you even got to meet Chucky!
- We put up the Christmas tree durning your nap the day after Thanksgiving and you came out of your room and said 'whoa'. You helped me put an ornament on the tree and haven't touched it since. You would rather play with your toys and just look at the tree. It's great!
Declan, you surprise me every day about how smart you are and learning so many things! You only need us to show you something one time and you have it down! You still LOVE Mickey and Curious George! We have about 6 movies on the iPad and they keep you satisfied! We try and limit you to an hour or less a day on it but sometimes you get a little more, especially on the weekends if we aren't out and about. You are so funny when it comes to your stuffed toys, you love to feed them your food and have them drink your milk or water. Its so cute! I love you Declan, more than you will ever know.
{25 MONTHS!}
{children's christmas train 2016}
{'eat eat' as you feed big bird}
{advent calendar - you love m&m's}
{long weekend with gigi and pepaw}
{putting the first ornament on the tree}
{thanksgiving day}
{amazeum time}
{shopping, you carried my bags to the car}
{chateau on the lake - hotel for the night}
{silver dollar city - my most favorite place}
{lighting of the ozark}
Happy 25 Month Birthday Baby Boy!
I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.