Saturday, March 12, 2016

Declan at 16 Months

Declan: 1 year and 4 Months
  • You weight 20.8 pounds
  • You are still wearing 12 month shirt, some 6-9 paints some 9 - 12 month pants, size 3 diapers, and size 4 shoes.
  • Your 4 molars have finally popped thru, I feel like they have been coming in for months now!
  • You still walk everywhere and almost running! Like a really fast walk!
  • You sleep from 7pm-6:30am during the week and 1 nap from 11-1 sometimes until 2; on the weekends we are usually running errands and eating dinner late and visiting friends and family so you don't get to be until 7 or 8 but you usually sleep 11-12 hours and still take a 2 or 3 hour nap.
  • You still love your bath time and you love pooping in the tub just as much.
  • You love food! You've started getting more independent and are wanting to feed yourself and not have us feed you. 
  • You can say dada, momma, milk, more, nite nite, nana(banana), all done, no no, thank you, bubbles, down, dat (Mickey).
  • You've had a double ear infection this week, you were so sad looking because you didn't feel good. I felt so bad for you.
  • You LOVE Mickey and freakout when you see him, it's so cute!
  • When Curious George ends you say 'uh-oh'
Declan you are getting so big and so independent. You are having more tantrums but I just calm you down and tell you that we don't behave like that or act that way and then I hug you and off you go. You really only have these tantrums when you are super tired.

Declan you are the sun in my darkest days, I love you more than you will ever know.


{bath time at gigi's and pepaws}

{first time to chickfila - you loved the chicken}

{poppi's birthday dinner}

{sick with a double ear infection}

{what was i thinking giving you a cookie}

{your girlfriends 1st birthday party}

{looking adorable}

{so sleepy, didn't want to wake up}

{first time for sesame street}

{what to eat, what to eat}

{riding my old rocking horse}

{passed out on your visit to missouri with your poppi and mimi}

{your smile, it makes me smile}

 {you were so tired you slept thru dinner}

{2016 valentines pictures}

{photos by Jen L. Davis}

{you stand on the chair then can't get down}

{hanging with papaw}

Happy 16 Month Birthday Baby Boy!

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.
