Little man, boy has this year has flown by!! I can't believe I have 31 days until you are no longer a 'baby' and we will have a full blown toddler with terrible twos tantrums and all the fun that comes with growing up! I also can't believe how smart you are. You know how to get around the iPad to get your movies and my phone to get to your games. Daddy and I took a week vacation a week ago, so YOU got a week vacation! You stayed with Gigi and Pepaw for a few days and Papaw and Nana for a few days. We ended having to cut our vacation short because of hurricane Matthew. At the time I was really upset, we've been planing that vacation for a few years now but the minute we got home and you ran to me with a huge smile and said Mama, coming home early was the best thing that happen on the trip! We were only gone for 6 nights but it felt like a 100 days. Since we had a few days off left from vacation we took you to the Tulsa Aquarium! You were scared at first but we finally got you realize that nothing can get you or hurt you. I know I say this every time but I love you so much and I have no idea where I would be without you in my life. I love you to the moon and back!
{trying salad, you didn't like it}
{first tailgating of the year}
{miniature golf with papaw and nana while you were on vacation}
{hair cut at pigtails and crewcuts and then dinner at steak n' shake}
{watching the razorback game}
{sleeping in the car while we run around town}
{helping us with the recycling}
Happy 23 Month Birthday Baby Boy!
I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.