Thursday, February 12, 2015

Declan at 3 Months

Declan: Three Months

  • You weigh 12 pounds
  • You are wearing size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes
  • You are 23 inches long
  • You drink 3-4 ounces at a time.
  • You still spit up. A lot
  • You do tummy time before you eat because you throw up every time you lay down after a feeding so we have to keep you propped up
  • We have started putting you in your bumbo for a little bit and your getting better and staying in it longer all the time!
  • Your last feeding is usually between 6:30-7:30. 
  • We started to swaddle you and put you to bed around 7:30, sometimes your easy and go right to sleep but then the past 3 or 4 nights you have cried for over 30 mins and then finally gave up and went to sleep.
  • You take a dream feed around 11:30pm and go back to sleep right after until about 5 sometimes 6am! 
  • You go to your Mimi's house every morning and she changes your diaper, clothes, and feeds you if you don't wait up early and then she takes you to Nanny B.
  • You started day care at 9 weeks. 
  • You LOVE Nanny B.
  • You are starting to look more like your daddy.
  • You laughed for the first time Sunday January 25 when I told you to never like Texas or Oklahoma football.
  • You still like your car seat unless the car isn't moving.
  • Your smile is amazing, I will do anything to make you smile.
  • You love watching the colors on the TV.
  • You can roll from you back to your sides.
  • You had your first sleep over at Mimi's and Poppi's house while we spent the night in Oklahoma!
  • You had your first Valentines party today!! Lucky for me your nanny took pictures!!

{valentines party at the nanny's}

{you look so serious}

{baby batman}

{baby superman}

{your stretching is so adorable}

{haha, you look scared}

{sleeping like an angel}

{siting up like a big boy}

{so sweet looking}

{looking like your about to beat someone}

{fell asleep}

{i'm making funny faces at you}

{so so so sweet}

 You are my everything, Declan.

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.


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