Monday, June 29, 2015

Declan at 7 Months

Declan: Seven Months

  • You wear 3-6 pants and 6-9 month shirts (the 6-9 months paints are big around your waist)
  • You weigh about 14.5 pounds.
  • You wear size 2 diapers
  • People make a lot of comments about how adorable you are and that you should be a baby model! 
  • You take 2 naps a day, usually around 9/10 and 2. You still are going to be bed around 6:30.
  • You hardly wake up anymore thru the night. Every once and while you just want your paci and you go right back to sleep. We have been lucky on the weekends, when you wake up you take a bottle and go back to sleep util 8-9.
  • When you get tired you start rubbing your eyes.
  • Your favorite toys are the jumper (you think people holding you is a jumper!) and you love all your toys, especially the balls. 
  • You are starting to sit up by yourself but I spot you because you still fall over sometimes. 
  • You love food. Such a boy. I can't get the food to your mouth fast enough and you are super impatient and you hit the table and scream/cry. 
  • You love bath time. You splash and play with all your toys.
  • You started swimming lessons on May 30, and you loved it!! You went every Saturday until the end of June. We plan on taking you every year!
  • You love all big kids. You just stare and laugh at them.

I can't believe its been 7 months. People weren't kidding when they say time flies when you're having fun! You are getting so big but you're still so small. You are army crawling and its so cute. You will get up on your hands and toes, like a push up, and then fall and then do it all over again. You are so eager to learn how crawl but still scared.  You're almost cutting your bottom two teeth. Maybe by 8 months you'll have some teeth. Declan I can't say this enough, I am so happy you're ours. Your daddy and I love you so much. I love seeing you grow and I love seeing you with your family that loves you.


{your cousin g graduated high school}

{first time for swimming lessons}

{1st memorial day 2015}

{6 month check up}

{1st time to magic springs - first ride}

{poppi and you have an amazing relationship}

Happy 7 Month Birthday Baby Boy!

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.


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