Thursday, May 12, 2016

Declan at 18 Months

Dear Declan: 1 Year and 6 Months
  • You weigh 22.8 pounds
  • You are wearing 6-9 and 9-12 month pants, 18 month shirts, size 3 diapers (size 4 overnight), size 4 shoes.
  • You have 12 teeth and you have some more coming in (I think your canine teeth are coming in)! This past week you've been running a low grade fever and have been very cranky and a small cough.
  • You sleep from 6:30pm-6:30am during the week and 1 nap from 12-2 sometimes until 2:30; on the weekends we are usually running errands and eating dinner late and visiting friends and family so you don't get to be until 7 or 8 but you usually sleep 11-15 hours and still take a 2 or 3 hour nap.
  • You are TERRIFIED of lawn mowers. You don't like to hear them or see them. It's kinda funny and sad!
  • You love love love going down the slide and you love swinging high! You just giggle! It's so adorable.
  • You are climbing on EVERYTHING and love to climb on the couch now that you're tall enough to get up there on your own.
  • You still love to read. You give us the books to read them to you and then you take the books away from us and go on our own because we aren't looking at the pictures fast enough.
  • You love to golf. Its about the first thing you start to play with when you get up in the morning and the first thing you play with when we get home.
  • You can love pointing to your nose, ear, and hair.
  • You can say dada, momma, milk, more, nite nite, nana(banana), all done, no no, thank you, bubbles, down, TA-DA, duck, bye bye, dat (Mickey), ball, my ball, book, turtle, dog, mililk
I can not believe that you are 18 months old and only a short 6 months from your 2nd birthday. You are starting to say 'No' when you don't want something or don't want us to do stuff. You love being outside and get very cranky if we tell you no we can't go outside for whatever the reason is. You are starting to get in your terrible two stage. You are hitting when you don't get your way or throwing stuff at people and you have even gotten in trouble for bitting. We are starting to put you in time out for these things and you can't play with your favorite toys. I hope this doesn't last long because I hate when you get in trouble. Your tantrums are the funnest things to watch.... You start to cry/whine and then you lay on the floor on your tummy with your head down and then you roll over and you just lay there. Not crying, not kicking your legs, nothing. Thats its. Thats your tantrum. We just laugh at you and walk over you. Normally its when you are super tired and you want us to carry you.

Sweet baby Declan you are the reason why I get up in the morning. I can't wait to see your face and smother you with kisses. The look on your face when you see your daddy or M & P and you run to them as fast as you can makes my heart melt. I love you so much that you will never understand!!

Happy 1 1/2 year birthday baby boy.


{pictures by Jen L. Davis.}

{'rock, rock, rock' thats what you say when you climb up on the chair!}

{nite nite time.... we've finally let you take something to bed. mickey!}

{crazy hair after your bath}

{mothers day 2016 - gulley park}

{you've been learning to feed yourself - it's a little messy.}

{golfing before bed}

{cheerios by fork}

{nothing funny about wearing a pink hat}

{looking cute at razorfest}

{what color you got}

{you love holding your own bottle like a big boy}

Happy 18 Month Birthday Baby Boy!

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.


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