Sunday, February 12, 2017

Declan at 27 Months

Dear Declan: 27 Months

  • You weigh 26.5 pounds and 34 inches tall!
  • Your two-year-old molars came in this month!
  • You are wearing 18 and 24 month and 2t jeans (only for the length though, they are adjustable waist and are as tight as we can get them) 18 month shirts, size 4 diapers size 5 over night diapers and and size 6 shoes.
  • Your favorite foods are: Banana, blue berries, apples, grapes, oranges, Chickfila chicken, ketchup, bread, yo baby yogurt, gold fish, Veggie straws, Cheerios, french fries, crackers, cookies, pizza, breakfast bars (you call them cookies) and anything that's on our plates.
  • You sleep from 7:00-7:30pm-6:30am during the week and a  nap from 12:30-2:30 sometimes until 3; on the weekends we keep you up until 8 and you usually wake up right at 12-14 hours but will just play in your bed and let us sleep in for a little bit longer. 
  • New word this month! Apple Sauce! (But only in the green pouch not the red!)
We went to Hot Springs this past month and you stayed with Nana, Papaw, and Mawmaw while daddy and I went to the races. You had so much fun with them! You love playing with their dogs learning how to go up and down their stairs. We stopped and got Gigi and Papaws dog on the way home and dog sat for them while they were out of town. You loved having Shorty here and he loved being here. He wouldn't leave your side! 

We started a new church this month and we really like it! Your uncle Garland teaches there too! You're not a big fan of the nursery, you cry when we drop you off and if we don't get there to pick you up before the other kids leave you start crying. The teachers say you are good after we leave and you play but it just breaks my heart that you cry as soon as we check you in. We are hoping that it gets easier the more we go.

Big news of the month is that we are finally a paci free house!! You would only take it at night but we took it from you and you only asked for a few times and then was over it. Now to get on to the potty training!  

We are planning a lot of fun vacations this summer. So far we are going to Tulsa, Kansas City, Dallas, Florida, St. Louis and Chicago! Of course we still have our trips to Little Rock/Hot Springs and Springfield to see family! We can't wait to take you to all of these fun places and have you experience new things!


{playing at chick-fil-a}

{fun a hobby lobby, you were smelling the flowers}

 {mommy gave me cookies!}

{fun times at amazeum}

{toast popping out is funny!}

{hair cut and dinner at 5 guys}

{fast lanes for austin's birthday}

{the nursery at church}

{baseball in pjs}

 {dinner at penguin ed's and eating pickles}

{playing with your truck, again shorty!}

{shorty was by your side the entire time}

{we brought shorty home with us to dog watch}

Happy 27 Month Birthday Baby Boy!

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.


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